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Please develop inside the container, this will ensure all the required checks (pylint & mypy) as well as formatting (black)

If you are not familiar with devcontainers, read Developing inside a Container first

  1. Clone this repository
  2. open dir in VS Code vscode .
  3. rebuild and reopen in container (you'll need Dev Containers extension)

note: if a container with devcontainer name already exists, an error will occur. You can remove it with docker container prune -f

What goes where

  • gitlab-ci.yml - gitlab ci script
  • docker/ docker files for dev environment
  • - main packge setup file (cli scripts, dependencies etc.)
  • docs - documentation, uses mkdocs
  • install - scripts for preparing host system
  • examples - various code examples

Version control

use bumpversion major/minor/patch to update version number.


The documentation is automatically generated from the content of the docs directory and from the docstrings of the public signatures of the source code.

Documentation can be built and served locally with script.

note: pyreverse creates images of packages and classes in docs/uml/..


optional. Add precommit install to if required.

This project was forked from cookiecutter template template.